Wuhan (武汉)

To look up the travelschedule and other info (such as googlemap references) please go to: Chinaproject.

武=wu3 = wu derde toon (neer-en-opgaand) = militair
汉=han4 = vierde toon (neegaand) = han dynastie

The activities that should be prepared are:

Dirk T'jampens, Geert Naulaerts, Wolf Berwouts, Yanick Lathuy

Steven Verdick, Koenraad Staels, Shangai 1, Shanghai 2

  • Sportactivities

Bart Deputter, Ingmar Lafaille, Jitse Buelens, Toon Vansweevelt

Michiel Maeyaert, Wesley Danckers, Tim Slootmaekers, Dries Verryt

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